
4 channel AOA failure

After turning downwind, the pilot raised the gear and selected half WOW Gold flaps. Established on the downwind leg, the aircrew contacted the squadron representative, broke out the pocket checklist (PCL (Printer Command Language) The page description language for HP LaserJet printers. It has become a de facto standard used in many printers and typesetters. PCL Level 5, introduced with the LaserJet III in 1990, also supports Compugraphic's Intellifont scalable fonts. ) and began troubleshooting. The crew decided the right AOA probe was inaccurate.

After several minutes on downwind, the crew was ready to come aboard. Approach vectored the aircraft to final bearing at 12 miles. Once they were established on final, they continued to complete the steps outlined in the PCL. The pilot dirtied-up, selected full flaps, and moved the GAIN switch to ORIDE ORIDE Override , which allowed them to select the left AOA probe. Selection of the good probe returned the E-bracket to the HUD. What happened next (or in this case, did not happen) was unexpected. Contrary to the PCL, neither the AOA indexer lights nor the external AOA approach lights were restored.

The pilot promptly noticed the loss of the AOA indexer lights, although normally part Cheap Runescape Money of his scan. He did not feel that their loss would adversely affect his ability to fly his usual OK pass. More importantly, and still unknown to the aircrew, the absence of external AOA approach lights would leave the landing signal officers (LSOs) with no visual indication of the aircraft's energy state or gear position. The pilot used the long final leg to get a feel of the handling capabilities and concluded that although it would be rough, he could fly a safe pass.

